James Frazier
- Title
- James Frazier
- Aliases
- None listed
- Date
- 29 March 1893-6 January 1919
- Description
Regiment: 128th United States Colored Troop
Company: C
Rank: Corporal
Mustered-in date and place: 8 March 1865 at Beaufort, South Carolina, United States
Mustered-out date and place: 21 September 1865 at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, United States -
Other locations listed during time of service: Beaufort County, South Carolina, United States
Comrades mentioned: Louis Birney; Benjamin Baker; Henry Culp; Middleton Heywood; Sam'l B. Hayward; Thos. Jones. Frank Lewis; John Nix; Sampson Sanders; Benj. Huger; William Small -
Jonas Fields
Name(s) of spouse(s): Martha Ellen Brooks Frazier
Children: Ellen Lee Frazier (born 30 August 1866); Anna L. Frazier (born 28 December 1868); Kate Rebecca Frazier (born 1877); Robert C. Frazier (born 1879); Mary J. Frazier (born 31 August 1899); Gertrude Frazier (born 30 October 1903) -
Veteran's birth date and location: 30 May 1839 in Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Plantation(s): Not listed
Enslaver(s): Frederick Frazier -
Parents of veteran: Frederick Frazier and Nellie Frazier
Other listed family members: Not listed -
Wife's place of birth: Not listed
Wife's enslaver(s): Not listed
Wife's parents: Jim and Polly Brooks
Wife's other family members: Richard Brooks; Alice Brooks; Nathaniel Brooks (siblings) - Creator
- Department of the Interior Bureau of Pensions
- Publisher
- National Archives and Records Administration
- Type
- Document
- Format
- Portable Document Format
- Language
- English
- Coverage
- United States of America
- Rights
- Public Domain | All records should be cited as coming from the Center Family History at the International African American Museum in Charleston, South Carolina, United States.
- Item sets
- E-F USCT Pension Applications
Beaufort, Beaufort County, South Carolina, United States
Item: James Frazier
Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, United States
Item: James Frazier
Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina, United States
Item: James Frazier
Part of James Frazier